Breaking the silence


I’ve been a bit quiet lately around here, and on my socials. For that, I’m sorry. But quiet doesn’t mean I’ve been taking it easy since the launch of As the Crow Flies in February. So what have I been up to?

Chasing Shadows
With the release of As the Crow Flies, I’ve revised the cover for Chasing Shadows so that it looks more in keeping with the design of book two. And I’m really happy with it. The interior of the book has also been revised in a similar vein, with some minor improvements to the text as well. Nothing that alters the story in anyway, just some streamlining of bits that could be improved, things I’ve learned the more if written.

A Flash in the Dark
I’ve been hard at work pulling together an anthology of short stories that I’ve written over the years. Each one has been revised, expanded and polished. I’ve always had an interest in short stories, alongside the longer form novels I write. I can now confirm that it’s all complete! The cover is designed for Kindle and paperback, the interior is formatted and it’s all ready to go. It’s title is A Flash in the Dark and will be out on the 18th of May! Keep an eye out this week for the cover reveal through my socials!

In other news…
I’ve been hard at work redesigning my website in what I hope is a cleaner, more concise style that’s easier to get around. At the same time, I’ve also created a nice, clean logo that I can use across all social media and platforms. It’s been a lot of work that might not seem like much to most, but I’m really happy with it.

The Twelve Days of Christmas is continuing to make slow progress. It’s the next project on my radar now that A Flash in the Dark is over the line. I’m looking forward to seeing this particular piece through to completion.

Once all of that is complete, I’ve got A Murder of Crows to dive straight into. In the meantime, I’m aiming to get better at more regular updates here. And remember to look out for the A Flash in the Dark cover reveals this week!

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