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Steven has been an avid reader from a young age. Quite early on, he became a massive Stephen King fan. Other big reading loves include Harry Potter and the Discworld series of Sir Terry Pratchett.

His debut novel, Chasing Shadows (The Chronicle of the Crows Book One), was released in April 2021. His second novel, As the Crow Flies (The Chronicle of the Crows Book One), was released in February 2024. Book one has received positive feedback including numerous 4 and 5-star reviews from readers. Book two has received some 5-star reviews also.

A Flash in the Dark short story collection is due for release on 18th May 2024.

Steven is currently working on the third book in The Chronicle of the Crows series, A Murder of Crows, and a festive serial killer novel titled The Twelve Days of Christmas.